I personally gave it my best to qualify for this event in Luxembourg earlier this year, but came nowhere near the required time. What was left, is to watch from the sidelines.

About the race

The UCI Granfondo World Championship race was held this year in French Albi. The course was 155 km long and featured two distinct climbs with elevation difference ~ 300 m. It must be said that the terrain around Albi is hilly and the total altimetry of the race is around 1800 height meters.

The origin of data

After the race I went to Strava and gave it my best to find records of as many as possible participants. In total I’ve found 302 records. About 2/3 of those had the power information in their files, indicating that the best amateurs in the world do actually mean business.

Interactive visualization with Plotly

I’ve plotted results of the race using my new favorite python plotting library Plotly.

I’ve decided to make the most of the build-in interactivity and implemented a toggle button that switches between weighted power in absolute Watts and WPK - Watts per kilo.

The size of the scatters do represent the Maximum power.

The color of the scatter indicates Intensity Factor - the ratio between weighted power and the Functional Threshold Power of the athletes.